International School
on Informatics and Dynamics
in Complex Networks
International School
on Informatics and Dynamics
in Complex Networks
University of Catania, 15 -19 October 2018
The school is organized at the University of Catania, Italy, by the Department of Electrical Electronics and Computer Science and the Cometa Consortium.
It consists of a series of lectures given by leading scientists in the field, aiming at providing a comprehensive treatment from background material to advanced results. The school is specially directed to PhD students and young researchers interested to the diverse aspects of the theory and applications of complex networks in science and engineering. The school aims at encouraging cross-disciplinary discussions between participants and speakers and start new joint researches.
The Workshop on Informatics and Dynamics in Complex Networks is a side event, with respect to the school, sponsored by the School and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Chapter, Central and South Italy Section. Its purpose is to allow school participants to share reasearch activities and is open to all people and it is free of charge. During the workshop slots for presentations by the participants are scheduled, and an award for the best presentation is also included.
Mauricio Barahona Imperial College London
Mario Chavez CNRS Paris
Manlio De Domenico FBK Trento
Ernesto Estrada Univ. of Strathclyde Glasgow
Vito Latora Queen Mary University of London
Rosario N. Mantegna Univ. of Palermo
Paolo Arena Univ. of Catania
Vito Latora Queen Mary Univ. of London
Yamir Moreno BIFI Univ. of Zaragoza
Alessandro Vespignani Northeastern Univ. Boston
Vincenza Carchiolo Univ. of Catania
Mattia Frasca Univ. of Catania
Giuseppe Mangioni Univ. of Catania
Lucia V. Gambuzza Univ. of Catania
Alessandro Longheu Univ. of Catania
Prospective participants have to send their application via E_mail at including their name, affiliation, current position and short CV. Two-page abstract of a proposed talk should be also attached. Participants will be selected based on their CV and abstract.
20.05.18 Application submission
10.06.18 Notification of acceptance
25.06.18 Registration deadline
(only accepted students)
15-19.10.18 School!